Wednesday, 10 January 2018

You've Got a Friend!

January got off to a flying Caring4Elders start when Susan contacted her two friends for a coffee. They had not met for 6 months since the wedding of Susan's daughter. Since then Susan's 60 something husband has continues with various drug trials for the cancer in his spine. Clare, her 92 year old mother has deteriorated. The dementia diagnosed at the end of 2016 has got worse and then there was a dramatic decline with the bowel in December meaning she spent Christmas in hospital.
So here we are in January and Susan is exhausted! Both her husband and mother in need of constant care. She's not feeling great and riddled with guilt at the prospect that a care home is the next step.
She had visited one, but not sure and Monday was the day to visit the second. When Liz offered to go with her on the visit her face lit up.

4 days later - they visited the care home and with Liz's support Susan felt confident the move is the right thing for Clare. The care home booked to assess her with plans to move her next week.
Liz reflected on how hard it is for Susan ( also in her 60s) to take the decisions that will not only benefit Clare but also Susan and her husband.  With a plan in place Liz and Susan celebrated with a cup of tea and a small glass of leftover Cava. The New Year didn't seem so bad after all...........but how will the move go? Next week..............